Sunday, May 19, 2013

Boot Camp- Week 5

2nd to last week of being at boot camp, and we are all beginning to get excited and slack off, and not care about anything anymore. Our marching has gone to hell, everyone is beginning to turn on each other, and going for an "honor division" has flown out the window. People are still trying to pass the swim test, and people are starting to rat each other out. Everyone starts to make "lists" of people who talk when they are not suppose to, or talk when everyone is trying to go to bed, when in reality everyone talks during chow, and everyone talks all the time. I did talk every night with my friend, but we were like two racks away from each other. People need to cool their jets. So as everyone got on each others nerves, there were groups of friends already made, and some odd people out. Everyone was ready to graduate, and loved when other people got in trouble. Our Chiefs were getting fed up with us as well, and couldnt wait till graduation. It was the perfect time for the gas chamber.
We had been doing firefighting all week, and got to use a fire extinguisher, and control some hoses, but it was nothing to brag about. Just stuff to keep us busy this late in the game. Friday morning came the gas chamber, which everyone was getting excited for. I was nervous as hell, but was pumped to experience something like i had never experienced. We all grabbed some face masks, and canisters to filter the air, and went into a lecture hall to be taught how to don (put on our masks). When we put on the masks, you could already feel a burning sensation that was left over from previous use. By using my ship staff knowledge, me and my shipstaff buddies were told to sit in the back, that way we would be first to leave the gas chamber. Turns out that was right on spot! We all leave to go into a cemented gas chamber room with a hot plate, and a fan.
This picture is literally the same thing that our division looked like. My buddies and i started out on the red line, and i was right in front of the fan. The instructors sprinkled the tear gas onto the hot plate, and alls you felt was burning. Once they sprinkled a few tabs on, they says masks up, cups up (make a cup and put in near your mouth for puke/ spit/ etc). So the first row had their masks off, I immediately freaked out and wasnt able to breath and my eyes immediatly shut. We had to say our name and our division number. I only made it to my name, and they passed on down the line. Once they reached the last guy in the line, we were free to leave. cept the door was probably 100 pounds and very hard to open. Everyone was freaking out at this point- crying, puking, spitting. And their were like 10 sinks on the way out we could spit in. I didnt want spit all over me or in my hand so i kept it in, but i was still crying and trying to breath. After about 30 seconds the pain stopped, and we got to sit back down in the lecture hall. This was the fun part, we got to watch the remaining kids come in freaking out and throwing up on each other. Well worth going first. Never laughed so hard at my life, most kids had strands of spit hanging all over them. 

1 comment:

  1. thank you. ive always felt like getting it over with. going last is for pussies.
